Model: 9092
Producent code: 9092
Product weight: 0,32 kg

Wielkopolska hoffmanowska Frame with 5.1 cell
plastic - monolith


The Wielkopolska cell 5.1 mm monolith frame is a revolution in the modern beekeeping market, giving the beekeeper not only additional work comfort, but above all a new standard, which is the use of food-grade plastic in place of the hose. Thanks to the compact design, the frame does not require nailing or additional fusion of the honeycomb, which completely eliminates the cycle of wax circulation outside the apiary. This solution improves the hygiene of the apiary, and thus minimizes the probability of the bee colony getting sick. In addition, the 5.1mm cell adapted to the size of the bee is a natural way to fight varroosis. Completely resistant to Barciak's wax moth, the frame increases the level of resistance of the bee colony to external threats. The whole is ready for almost immediate installation, and the ergonomic design allows you to increase the efficiency of the hive by using the entire surface potential. The frame is devoid of gaps between the wooden frame and the embedded hose. Thanks to this, we get an additional place where the bees work. In the case of the Wielopolski 10-frame hive, we gain 10% of the comb area, which translates into an additional frame full of honey. The use of a frame with a 5.1mm monolithic food PP cell is therefore more economical than in the case of standard frames, and the possibility of multiple use reduces the cost of maintaining the apiary by as much as three times. The frame has a side support protecting the bees against crushing. The monolithic structure eliminates the risk of tearing out the center of the frame during spinning, even at intense revolutions. Additional waxing of the frame in the case of layering or colonies weakened by diseases, as well as in the period when no crops are used, is recommended by applying a thin layer of beeswax using a nylon roller with a length of 3mm. In this way, we use only 10 g of wax to rebuild the entire 1 comb, i.e. 6100 bee cells. To clean the 5.1mm monolithic frame, it is recommended to use 5% potassium hydroxide at 80 ℃ or by using caustic soda with a classic concentration. The frames can be melted in a steam melter up to 100 ℃ without the risk of perforation. Not recommended for use in a solar melter.


cell - 5.1 mm,

The number of bee cells on the comb 6100

Height - 260 mm

Width - 60mm

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